Brand Identity: 12 Questions to Understanding Your Brand

by | Jul 19, 2020

1. Who is your ideal customer?

When you think of your brand identity, who are the customers that you serve best? What are their personalities? What are their likes? Dislikes? If you could give this person a name, what would it be? What clothes do they wear? When you think deeply about your ideal customer and develop their unique personality, you are creating your customer’s personas. 

2. What problems does your company solve?

What are the problems that your customers deal with and how is your company solving those problems? If this answer isn’t clear, you might not have a solid need for your brand. The solution you offer your customers should be embedded in your brand identity. 

3. Who is your competition?

Understanding your competition can help you study and understand how companies in your industry are interacting with their audiences. This also will be a good understanding of how your brand will stand out from the rest.

4. How is your company different? 

One of the important things about understanding your completion is that you will be able to create something different and to stand out from others who offer the same solutions as your brand. Standing out from other companies in your industry will help you build authenticity and trust with your audience.

5. What is your brand personality? 

Your brand personality is defined by your company’s human personalities. What emotions does your brand have? Is your brand a thought leader, activist, funny, or friendly? Understanding your brand’s personality helps define your brand voice and authenticity. 

6. How do you make your customers feel? 

The feeling your give your customers is important because it’s how they start to identify your brand and how it relates to them. The feeling you give your customers by interacting with your products or services should be embedded in your brand’s identity. This will help with customer trust and loyalty. 

7. Why do your customers trust you?

Think back to your brand’s personality and feeling you give your customers. Why do they feel the way they do? How does this help your customers identify your brand as something they can trust?

8. What 5 words describe your brand?

Think of words that best identify with your brand. How would these words relate to how your customers feel? How do these words relate to how you feel?

9. What brands do you admire?

Think about the brands you admire and why you admire them? What about these brands stand out to you? Is it their authenticity? Their transparency? Understand why you follow brands and are loyal to them and learn how you can incorporate characteristics in your brand that can help your customers do the same. 

10. How does your audience talk and what words do they use?

The language that your audience uses is important to understand because it will help in the way your brand voice communicates with your audience. Is there a lingo that your customers use? Is there a way that your brand can interact on a similar level to the way your customers interact with each other? 

11. What is your brand voice? 

Understanding the previous question will help you understand your brand voice. Do you want a voice that is friendly and relatable? How does your brand voice complement its personality? Your brand voice should be the tone of your writing and visual identity. 

12. Is there anything else that comes to mind about your brand when thinking through these questions? 

 Taking a brand exercise can really shed light on how you see your brand. By asking yourself questions that identify your brand, you might begin to think about things beyond what is in this questionnaire. That’s great. Write down everything that comes to mind!

Still interested in learning more about how to define your brand identity? Contact the gals at Girl Louie! We’d love to get to you know you a bit more and learn about ways we can help grow your brand’s story.


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